How much should an engagement ring cost?
Tradition suggests spending three months’ salary, but the best guideline is to choose a budget that aligns with your values and financial comfort.
Which hand does the engagement ring go on?
In most Western cultures, the engagement ring is worn on the fourth finger of the left hand, symbolizing a direct connection to the heart.
How do you clean an engagement ring?
To keep your ring looking its best, have it professionally cleaned and inspected regularly. Avoid harsh chemicals or DIY methods that could damage the setting or stone.
How do you insure an engagement ring?
Engagement ring insurance can be added to your homeowner’s or renter’s policy, or you can purchase a separate jewelry insurance policy for comprehensive coverage.
How many carats should an engagement ring be?
Carat weight depends on personal preference and budget. Focus on finding a balance between size and quality that aligns with your priorities.
Why don’t men wear engagement rings?
While not traditionally common, men’s engagement rings are growing in popularity as couples redefine tradition.
How should an engagement ring fit?
An engagement ring should slide on easily but resist slightly when being removed. A professional jeweler can ensure a perfect fit.
What is the difference between an engagement ring and a wedding ring?
An engagement ring symbolizes the proposal, while the wedding ring is exchanged during the ceremony as a sign of commitment.
What does an engagement ring symbolize?
An engagement ring represents love, commitment, and the promise of a shared future.